Many individuals might not think about establishing a power of attorney document until it is too late. If you find yourself suddenly unable to communicate, it will be difficult to ensure certain things are taken care of, such as bill payments or the management of your financial or medical affairs. Thinking about becoming incapacitated in this way can be frightening, but with the help of a Torrance powers of attorney lawyer, you can face times of crisis with confidence.
When you establish a power of attorney, you must choose a reliable individual, called an agent or an attorney-in-fact, to assign the power to make certain legal, financial, or medical decisions for you should you become otherwise incapacitated and unable to communicate your wishes by yourself. In California, there are a few types of powers of attorney you have the ability to legally establish, and your lawyer can help you determine which type is right for you.
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In addition to establishing a POA, you may wish to outline when and for how long the authority or power of your agent takes effect. This aspect does not apply to situations regarding medical powers of attorney as they always come into play once you have become incapacitated and the authority of your agent is relinquished once you regain your ability to communicate effectively. However, limited or general powers of attorney can take one of the following forms:
Having a power of attorney in place is a vital part of any comprehensive estate plan. At Meinzer Law Firm, PC, our experienced legal team is here to answer any questions regarding the establishment of a POA and can guide you through the legalities of implementing this necessary document. Contact our office today to learn more and schedule an initial consultation.