This is the first post of a two-part post series. Here and in our next post, we will discuss how to sell a house or other real estate in a California probate decedent’s estate court proceeding (or “probate”).
Let’s first answer a smaller question: If you’re the executor or administrator of a probate, why would you want to sell the real estate? There are a few potential answers:
The process of selling a house or other real estate in a probate can take one of 3 tracks:
The biggest difference among them is the number of court hearings required to sell the real estate. There are 2 court hearings on the default track with no IAEA authority. There is 1 court hearing for limited IAEA authority, and there are 0 court hearings for full IAEA authority.
Without any IAEA authority, which is the default, the process for selling probate estate real estate is as follows:
Each time you obtain court approval, you need to do the following:
You will receive each court order 3 to 6 months after filing the corresponding petition.
Publishing Notice of Sale is designed to inform potential purchasers of the sale and maximize the sale value. The sale must occur within 1 year after the sale date indicated in the Notice of Sale. It must not occur prior to that sale date.
When the executor or administrator was first appointed, he filed with the court an inventory of all probate estate assets. That inventory included a value appraisal of the assets. That appraisal included the value of any probate estate real estate.
The real estate sale price needs to be 90 percent of the appraisal value of the real estate as indicated on the inventory. The inventory must be dated within 1 year of the court hearing for approval of the sale. It must indicate a value of the real estate as of a date within 1 year of that court hearing.
Otherwise, the executor or administrator must obtain a more current appraisal and file it with the court. To do this, he will follow the same procedure as with the original inventory.
The real estate salesperson must receive purchase offers on the correct contract form. It needs to indicate that the sale is contingent on court approval.
Sometimes, the executor or administrator has to file a surety bond with the court to be appointed. If this occurred in your case, the court won’t confirm the real estate sale until the bond amount is adjusted. Generally, the surety bond amount needs to include the value of all probate assets other than real estate. The surety bond must also include the anticipated annual income of all probate estate assets. Some counties include an additional amount that pays for the cost to recover against the bond, should that become necessary.
After the sale, real estate is converted to cash. Real estate doesn’t need to be included in the bond amount calculation, but cash does. Now that you have more cash, the original bond amount is insufficient. The total bond amount needs to increase accordingly, as will the annual bond premium amount.
The court likely won’t enter the order approving the sale until that increased bond is filed with the court.
Be prepared to prequalify overbidders during the second court hearing to confirm the real property sale. It’s not unusual for strangers to be in the courtroom and prepared to bid the sale to a higher price. If so, the judge will conduct an auction in the courtroom. In this case, the sale will go to the highest bidder.
The executor or administrator, or his attorney, will need to prequalify overbidders at the courthouse prior to the court hearing. Otherwise, overbidders won’t be allowed to participate in the auction, and the real estate may sell for a lower price.
You should forward to the escrow company a court-certified copy or the court order approving the sale. Escrow companies normally require it.
The rules for selling real estate in a probate are complex. They contain many variables. Each of them is a potential pitfall for the unwary.
Hiring an attorney experienced with probates can help the process to run smoothly and avoid trouble. The guidance of an attorney experienced with probate court cases is also invaluable for attaining your goals in these cases.
At Meinzer Law Firm, P.C., we have over 20 years of experience helping clients achieve their goals in probate cases. Contact Meinzer Law Firm, P.C., in Torrance to assist you with your California probate court case.
The next post will discuss selling probate real estate with limited IAEA authority and with full IAEA authority. It will also discuss extraordinary fees of executors and administrators and their attorneys.